1/14 Where’s our patriotic fervor now?

Would somebody like to explain to me why the American public went into a patriotic frenzy after 9/11 when the president launched a war against a country that had always been our friend, yet, when he hands $20 billion to the homeland of most of the terrorists who wrought that destruction upon us — Saudi Arabia — it’s business as usual? Is it because it’s business as usual for this administration… do what is expedient at the moment and consequences be damned?

Bringing that philosophy closer to home is Orange County sheriff Mike Carona. Carona was indicted months ago on felony corruption charges, for using his office for personal financial and political gain, and probably wouldn’t have resigned today except that he would have had to turn down yet another gift — free legal representation — were he still in office. Poor Carona, now he’s out of a job he exploited, but is he hurting financially? Nope. He’ll get a pension almost equal to his former $200K yearly salary for the rest of his life. And he’s only 51. Aren’t you happy to know where your taxes are going?