3/31 Fall in love today

It’s spring, my roses are budding and if I can just keep the aphids under control, there will be a breathtaking display in my backyard in the next two weeks.

Spring is a great time to fall in love, whether for the first time or again with the same partner. If you’re looking for inspiration, rent “Love in the Time of Cholera.” Based on a Gabriel Garcia Marquez book, which wasn’t quite as breathtaking as “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” it still has much to recommend it, and for once the film adaptation is perhaps even more powerful than the book on which it’s based. I promise you, if you watch this film you’ll fall in love! It’s pace is measured, but if you finding yourself drifting off into a little siesta, don’t worry. It will infuse your dreams.

It’s good to think about books that have moved us, as we mourn the closing of Dutton’s beloved Brentwood bookstore. My computer is a marvelous machine but never will it replace books.